Physical Therapists Near Me
You’ve been referred to see a physical therapist for your injury but you’re having a hard time finding physical therapists near you, that’s where Physical Therapy Finder can help. Our specialists at Physical Therapy Finder, have local listings on our website that will help you locate one in your area.
If you live in either Nassau or Suffolk County, Physical Therapy Finder has numerous providers in both counties for you to choose from, each one being a highly skilled physical therapist who will help you in your recovery. If you happen to live near the Northport area there are numerous physical therapists near you. Some physical therapists near the Northport area are:
- Provident Physical Therapy-East Northport
- Glick Physical Therapy-Huntington
- The Physical Therapy Experience-Smithtown
- Progressive Physical Therapy-Greenlawn
- Sunshine Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy-Commack
All of these listed physical therapists have wonderful teams of specialists that put their patient’s care and comfort before anything else. If Greenlawn is too far from you, have no fear because we have numerous providers in the Commack,Smithtown, and Huntington area that can see you. One our providers is Glick Physical Therapy, at Glick Physical Therapy you can expect to receive the best care based on your needs. One of the services provided at Glick Physical Therapy is Vestibular and Balance Training. You might be wondering what is vestibular and balance training. Vestibular rehabilitation is a special form of therapy used to treat individuals who suffer from vertigo, dizziness, and balance problems.
One set of exercises is known as Cawthorne-Cooksey Exercises, the purpose of these exercises is help the neck and shoulder muscles as well as getting eyes to move without any head movement. One way to do the exercises is to either be sitting down or being in a bed these exercises are used for eye and head movements. Some of them include:
Eye Movement:
- Moving your eyes up and down
- Side to side
- Focusing on a finger moving from three feet to one foot away from the face
Head Movements:
- Bending forwards and backwards
- Turning from side to side
*If it is your first time doing the Cawthorne-Cooksey Exercises it is advised not to do more than 10 of the recommended exercises at a time and to do them slowly when first starting out. You also want to make sure you are in safe environment in order to avoid injury and if you feel you are at risk of falling DO NOT PERFORM ANY OF THE EXERCISES.
Physical Therapy Finder will work with you to help you find the best physical therapist near you. If you have any questions about our services provided feel free to check out our website or give us a call and we’ll be happy to help you.